Friday 17 January 2014

Week 2: Pitch two (Leyton Advert) Group: Me, Mahin, Ahmed and Stella

The presentation for this week was the advert for the college. 
Firstly as a group Me, Mahin and Ahmed discussed our ideas about what we were going to do for the advert.
Me and Mahin went to Sanoobar to get the business video for our presentation which help us understand what a video is used for. I sent and received the final few emails and got the information together before going through everything we need for the pitch.
On pitch day me, Mahin and Ahmed got together to organize the pitch before we did it in front of the panel. Overall I thought it went well. Next time we should think about using a script for our piece because this would help us concentrate more about what we had to say so we don't become hesitant.